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Runtime errors
Zsombor Deak avatar
Written by Zsombor Deak
Updated over 8 months ago

1. An interface may only extend a class or another interface

This error occurs when the Angular/Ionic application's typescript version is older than the minimum required by the Mobiscroll. Mobiscroll will need at least typescript 2.2.0 or newer.

Solution: Update typescript version: npm install typescript@latest --save-dev

2. Angular template parse errors

  • Can't bind to 'mbsc-options' since it isn't a known property of 'input'

  • 'mbsc-calendar' is not a known element

  • There is no directive with "exportAs" set to mobiscroll

The above errors are usually occurring when the MbscModule is not exported by the *.module.ts file. Most likely the MbscModule import is missing or is not correct in the module file.

Solution: Make sure that the Mobiscroll is installed and the MbscModule is loaded correctly in the module.

Note: If you are using lazy loading, the MbscModule has to be imported into every module separately.

3. Mobiscroll is not loaded or it is not loaded correctly

Error message:

mobiscroll is not a function

The above error is occurring when the Mobiscroll is not loaded or it is loaded in the wrong place. When the JS code runs it tries to call a mobiscroll function, but it's not finding it.

Solution: Make sure Mobiscroll is loaded correctly where you want to use it. Also, our getting started guides can be really helpful in solving this issue.

Note: This error message occurs when you try to use Mobiscroll together with jQuery or Javascript.

Contact us if something is unclear or just need a little bit more help with solving this problem.

4. Mobiscroll trial not loaded: Please check your connection

This error appears in an alert when the the Mobiscroll trial doesn't have access to the internet. It usually occurs when the application is deployed to a device which is not connected. The trial needs an active internet connection to work.

Solution: Make sure to have an active internet connection during trial and your project's configuration doesn't block the Mobiscroll external API call.

Make sure that the url is white-listed in the CSP settings and in case of Cordova/Phonegap applications added to the cordova-plugin-whitelist plugin's settings.

Note: This is not a requirement of the licensed version. You can use the non-trial products offline.

Learn more about the limitations of the trial in this article.

5. A Specific Mobiscroll component is not working

Here are the error messages with a range component example:

  • Plain Javascript: mobiscroll.range is not a function

  • jQuery: $(...).mobiscroll(...).range is not a function

  • Angular 2+/ Ionic 2+ : mbsc-range' is not a known element

  • AngularJs/Ionic 1: [$injector:modulerr]

The above errors are occurring when the component was downloaded from the Download builder and the specific component wasn't included into the downloaded package.

Solution: Download resources again and update your local package. Make sure to check all the components you need in the 1. Choose Components section. Updating the local Mobiscroll package should solve the problem.

6. Components don’t look like expected. Styling is not applied

Here is how a Calendar and Date component looks like without styles:

A few things to check to solve this problem:

  • Check if you passed the correct theme name to the theme option

If there is a typo in the theme name that could cause this problem. If you are using a custom theme, make sure that you pass the generated UniqueID name to the components. The UniqueID will be auto-generated after you named your custom theme on the Theme builder.

  • If the theme name is correct then check if the Mobiscroll css/scss is correctly loaded to your app.

This might be a project related manner, but here are some tips you might check. In case of:

- Ionic 4/ Angular cli based app make sure that the css is loaded into the angular.json file's styles section. Or if you use scss then check if there is a mobiscroll scss import in the global.scss. In case of an Angular app you should check the styles.scss file for scss import.

- Ionic 3 make sure that the css is included into the index.html and an Ionic_copy section is specified in the package.json file which describes where to copy the css form the node_modules. Or if you use scss then check if there is a mobiscroll import in the variable.scss file.

- JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJs make sure that the css is loaded in the index.html and there isn't any css related console errors.

  • Check if the specific theme is loaded into your Mobiscroll package

This section is only valid for the licensed users because only they can use the Download Builder to specify which Mobiscroll resource would they want to use. (The trial users have all the resources included in their packages)
There might be a chance that you missed including the specific theme when you created your Mobiscroll package.

Solution: Download resources again and update your local package. Make sure to check all the themes you need in the 2. Choose Themes section. Updating the local Mobiscroll package should solve the problem.

There are differences on the package update process in case of React, Angular 2+ / Ionic 2+ frameworks. You'll need to use the Mobiscroll CLI's config command with the --no-npm flag. You should be prompted with a detailed step by step install/update guide on the download page after you downloaded your new package.

In case of other frameworks just simply updating the local Mobiscroll files should solve the problem.

7. No provider for Jsonp

If you are facing with this error message, here's the solution:

ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): Error: StaticInjectorError(AppModule)[AboutPage -> Jsonp]: 
StaticInjectorError(Platform: core)[AboutPage -> Jsonp]:
NullInjectorError: No provider for Jsonp!

It's because some of our demos use remote API for loading external data. In this case make sure to load the Jsonp module in your app's module file.


import { JsonpModule } from '@angular/http';
// ...
imports: [
// ...
// ...
// ...
// ...

Note: This issue could come up when you use Angular or Ionic.

8. Content Security Policy errors

  • Refused to load the font

    This may happen if the icons were downloaded with the "Embed in CSS" option, so the font icon is embedded in base64 encoding in the css file. Make sure to add font-src 'self' data: to your CSP directives. Example:

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src * 'unsafe-inline'; font-src 'self' data:" />

9. Events are not loaded/shown in the Event Calendar

If you are trying to get/load data/events from an external link to the Event Calendar and the result is that the events are not shown in the calendar:

The problem might be that you are returning a simple JSON, while the demo URL return the values in JSONP format which is a little different.

The JSONP is used for sending JSON data without worrying about cross-domain issues and internally it uses the <script> tag instead of the XMLHttpRequest object.

Also, the JSONP request requires a different response from the server that's why it was not working for you when you returned a normal JSON data


If you don't need to handle cross-domain requests you are good with serving plain JSON. If this is the case, in our example you just need to change the second parameter of the getJson function.

The actual demo on our webpage uses JSONP, so the code looks like this:

mobiscroll.util.getJson('yourURL', function (events) {

// ...

}, 'jsonp');

BUT you will need:

mobiscroll.util.getJson('yourURL', function (events) {

// ...

}, 'json'); // change this parameter from 'jsonp' if you want to use simple JSON data


Some of our demos use remote API for loading external data. For example, in case of Mobiscroll Event Calendar (in most cases) the events are loaded from an external link with the help of getJson function.

10. Date format problem in case of iOS Safari

If you are using Mobiscroll components and you notice that certain things don't appear on iOS however the same things work/ show up in Chrome and Android: such as events, `marked` or `invalid` options that are associated with a given date - this is most likely the problem.

Based on conversations with our customers in many cases they try to create javascript Date objects from non-standard formats, for example: `new Date('10/29/2020')`.

So, the problem is that some non-standard formats will work in some browsers (e.g. Chrome), but in others (e.g. Safari) the result will be an invalid date.


  1. Mobiscroll supports ISO8601 date strings, so if you store your dates in that format, you can pass the date strings directly, without converting to date: '2020-10-27'.

  2. If you can't (e.g. you can't change in your database where they are stored this way), you need to parse the date appropriately:

If you couldn't solve the error which you are experiencing get in touch at

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